NIS2: What is it and how should we prepare for it?

After years of negotiations and drafting between the European Parliament, the Commission and the Council of the EU, the second Network and Information Systems Directive (NIS2) came into force in January 2023. This new legislation follows and replaces the 2018 NIS Directive, broadening the scope of enterprises to which it applies. The aim of NIS2 is to strengthen cybersecurity networks across a variety of sectors in the EU in a harmonised manner. 

What you get from this white paper:

  • Discover the crucial shifts from NIS1 to NIS2 and their impact on cybersecurity.
  • Gain valuable insights through a practical NIS2 to CIS example, illustrating the integration of these frameworks.
  • Explore beyond the basics: uncover additional changes, receive actionable steps, and stay ahead with insights into current cybersecurity trends.


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