How to achieve eternal persistence in an Active Directory environment - Part 1

In this three-part blog series, we will explore different approaches to achieving passive persistence in an Active Directory (AD) environment. Specifically, we'll examine whether it is possible to survive a remediation process that contains steps such as rotating passwords, resetting AD service accounts, revoking logon sessions and removing backdoors on AD components such as domain controllers.  

In this blog - the first in the series - we tackle the scenario of password rotation for compromised accounts, exploring how attackers can intercept and adapt to these changes. Subsequent blogs will delve into AD’s password replication processes, as well as generic replication processes between domain controllers. Our goal is to examine whether it’s possible to achieve “eternal persistence” – a state where an attacker remains embedded in the network without detection, regardless of the defensive measures taken. Ultimately, we aim to equip blue teamers and security professionals with the knowledge required to understand, detect, and defend against these sophisticated threats.


During security tests (e.g. pentests, red team assignments), getting domain administrator privileges in an Active Directory (AD) domain results in a solid foundation to further achieve objectives that were agreed upon during the scoping process of the assignment. Having the highest privileges in a domain allows an attacker to access any resource within that domain. While Active Directory provides an organization the means and tools to organize Identity and Access management, it is therefore also the highest link in a company's chain of trust. If the highest link is compromised, there is no other authority to rely on to regain trust and integrity, which can be a serious issue in post compromise scenarios.  

During a redteam, attempts to further advance through the network or maintain persistence can be thwarted by aware blue teams, who can patch points of entry, reset passwords, revoke sessions or rotate the krbtgt service account. If this happens, there are probably other ways to compromise the domain again, but that often involves interacting with services and components, leading to events being logged or triggering alerts. This got us wondering; is it possible to survive a remediation process that contains steps such as rotating passwords, resetting AD service accounts, revoking logon sessions and removing backdoors on AD components such as domain controllers? 

This blog series will dive into the inner workings of AD, aiming to find a way to survive a remediation process. For this, we set the following goals: 


surviving remediation blog 1

Figure 1. Goals for surviving the remediation process and achieving eternal persistence

  1. Survive remediation: Using the technique, we should be able to survive a remediation process. 
  2. It must be passive: Surviving the remediation process should not rely on interacting with domain components, such as Domain Controllers. Less interaction leads to less noise, which means increased stealth. 
  3. It should not depend on domain components: The working of a technique should not rely on domain components, such as backdoors installed on domain controllers or servers. If a domain controller is cleaned or replaced with a new server, the technique should not be impacted by this. 
  4. Techniques must be opsec safe: If the technique results in the possession of an upto date NTLM hash of the krbtgt account where the majority of logon events use AES keys to encrypt data, this won’t be considered opsec safe. The use of an outdated encryption algorithm in lots of authentication requests where the majority use up-to-standard techniques is considered a big give-away.

This blog series will explore techniques for achieving passive persistence in an AD environment. Some techniques could result in an eternal persistence scenario, where the attacker does not need to have access to domain controllers or domain joined machines. In this scenario, current mitigation techniques are not sufficient to fully eradicate the attacker from the network. The only prerequisites are a full compromise of the domain, extracting the hashes from the AD database and access to network traffic being sent to/ received from domain controllers. This can be achieved in many ways such as listening on network equipment which the domain controllers are connected to.  

We will begin with a scenario where the passwords of compromised accounts are being rotated. Having access to clear-text credentials is sometimes needed to achieve a certain goal, if Kerberos authentication or NTLM authentication are not supported. If passwords are rotated, one can extract the new password hash from the ntds.dit database, but that means interacting with the domain controller, which we want to avoid.  

Because we have access to password data of all users and systems within the domain, and since we also have access to network traffic sent to and received from the domain controllers, another way to retrieve the new password is by decoding the password reset event. Instructions on how to create test data can be found at the end of this blog post. 

Decoding a password reset 

During a password reset, the system on which the reset was issued queries the remote Security Account Manager (SAM) database on the domain controller it is connected to using the SAM RPC endpoint. This is a database that stores identity-related information on a Windows system. 

This looks something like the following network flow in Wireshark: 

  Action Details
1. Protocol negotiation Handshake between client and server to determine SMB version and dialect
2. Session setup Client authenticates to server. This is where session keys are established and pre-authentication hashes are calculated. This is used to prevent tampering of future SMB traffic.
3. Tree connect Connect to IPC$ file share
4. Request file Request handle to the SAM file on the server
5. Get info Get standard info about the file
6. Bind Bind to server to do RPC calls. This includes syntax negotiation and returning an authentication binding handle
7. Connect5 Obtain a file handle to the SAM file. This includes the permissions needed to perform the password reset
8. EnumDomains Enumerate available domains
9. LookupDomain Lookup Security Identifier (sID) of the domain
10. OpenDomain Obtain handle to domain
11. LookupNames Lookup sID of the user
12. OpenUser Obtain handle to user
13. GetUserPwdInfo Obtain password policy of the domain
14. SetUserInfo2 Set password to user account

On standalone machines, the SAM database also contains credentials. Domain controllers store their credentials in a different database (ntds.dit) but the SAM RPC interface can be used to query domain information and invoke other actions, such as password resets. Upon receiving and validating the call, the domain controller will update the ntds.dit database accordingly. 

Now, lets dive into the SetUserInfo2 RPC call and see if we can unravel its secrets. 

Setting user info

When an admin makes changes to a user account, the aforementioned flow will result in the changes being applied and subsequently replicated to all domain controllers throughout the domain. But what exactly is shared with the domain controller on which the info is set? 

Doing desk research about the SetUserInfo2 RPC call yields surprisingly few results. This seems to be a known RPC call to reset passwords for user account in an Active Directory environment, but other than a small reference in the MS-RSMC section of the Microsoft documentation site, there isn’t a lot of information on what exactly this call is and how it is constructed. Our educated guess is that this name stems from Samba’s tool rpcclient which invokes the actual RPC call, and named the command SetUserInfo2, which was subsequently used by other tools as well. However, there are no other references to support our claim. 

What we do know for sure is the opnum - or the operation number of the call - is 58. Using this information, we can find more documentation about this call[1] and we can see how this function should be invoked: 

Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 09.40.45

The first parameter would be the handle to the user account (result of the OpenUser RPC call). The second parameter refers the USER_INFORMATION_CLASS enum[2], which looks something like this: 

Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 09.42.29

During testing, we only encountered the UserInternal4InformationNew user class being referenced. 

Searching for the SAMPR_USER_INTERNAL4_INFORMATION_NEW structure, we see it is defined[3] as follows: 

Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 09.45.23

The SAMPR_USER_ALL_INFORMATION field is a struct containing updated values for attributes configured on the user account, such as department, UserComment and more. The SAMPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD_NEW[4] field is a buffer that carries an encrypted buffer. 

Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 09.47.18

We now have a basic understanding of how these calls are established and what kind of data is transferred between client and server during a password reset event. The decrypted buffer should contain a clear text password - let’s see if we can extract it. 

Decrypting the buffer

Reading the documentation, we uncover the following: The SAMPR_USER_INTERNAL4_INFORMATION_NEW structure holds all attributes of a user, along with an encrypted password. The encrypted password uses a salt to improve the encryption algorithm[3]. 

The encrypted buffer has a fixed size of (256 *2) +4 +16 = 532 bytes: 

  1. Buffer: 512 bytes 
  2. Length: 4 bytes 
  3. Clear salt: 16 bytes 

 This correlates with data in Wireshark, where the whole structure is filled with 00s, and the last remaining 532 bytes filled with random data. 


Selecting the right key

To create a decryption key, we need the key that was established during session negotiation and the clear salt. Next, we need to compute an Application key that is derived from the aforementioned key, a label and a context. The label and the context are concatenated to a byte array and the session key is used as secret to compute a HMACSHA256 hash, the first 16 bytes of which will be used as an application key. This is illustrated within the following function, taken from the impacket framework[5]: 

Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 10.13.53

Depending on the SMB dialect, the Label and Context values differ. 

  Label Context
SMB Dialect 3.1.1 SMBAppKey\x00 Pre-authentication hash
Other SMB2APP\x00 SmbRpc\x00

The result of the Key Derivation Function is used with the clear salt to compute an MD5 hash. This hash can then be used to decrypt the buffer and length of the clear-text password. In the screenshot below, we can see that the clear text password is Hellothere2! and the length of the string is 24 bytes. 



While Wireshark is great for researching packets and flows manually, we want to do this automatically. Writing a proof-of-concept that can parse network traffic is a different beast and not what we’re focusing on right now. Luckily, Wireshark is shipped with a tool that can do that for us: Tshark. 

Tshark has the same capabilities as Wireshark but can be invoked from the command line. We wrote a function that invokes Tshark using the following parameters: 

Parameter Description
-2 Two stage process. This allows Tshark to defragment network packets into a single packet
-r Path to pcap file. Recommended approach, since doing this live might result in issues
-K Path to keytab file. Tshark will decrypt NTLM/ Kerberos data when possible
-Y Wireshark filter to only include traffic we need
-T Output in Json format. This allows for deserialization
-J Select protocols we need
-x Return raw data. Some decrypted fields are not returned properly, which this parameters resolves


This returns a deserialized object that contains all fields and values that were captured by Tshark. 

To make it usable, we need to process a few packets: 

  • We need the SMB dialect and the pre-authentication hash (if applicable) to derive an application key
  • We need the NTLMSSP session key that is established during the session setup
  • The SamrSetInformationUser2 RPC call only contains a handle to the user account. We need to store the contents of the LookupNames RPC call, since this will contain the username for which handle is requested later on. 

Stitch all events together and we are now able to process password reset events: 




Sample code, pcaps and keytab files can be found on our GitHub page:

This method focuses only on password reset events. There are more ways to reset passwords resulting in different network types, password change events, and so on. While not covered in this post, methodologically the approach would be the same. 

What about krbtgt?

After a domain compromise, the password of the krbtgtaccount must be reset twice. However, as can be seen in the following screenshot taken from the Microsoft documentation site[6], the domain controller will create a random and strong password which will be used instead.  



Closing thoughts

This method does not provide the means to survive a remediation process. All steps in this post can be done completely passively and there is no reliance on domain components, such as domain controllers. If passwords of admin accounts change, this mechanism provides the means to recover the new password. However, resetting the password of the krbtgt account will prevent the attacker from persisting in the network and thus not surviving the remediation process. 

surviving remediation blog 1 image 2Figure 2. Ability to survive remediation according to specified criteria 

In the next blog posts, we will go into detail about how different replication processes can be used to harvest credentials, increasing our level of persistence. 

Creating test data

Configure Wireshark to decrypt the network traffic we need. For this, we need a keytab file with all relevant hashes. Copy all RC4, AES128 and AES256 hashes of the krbtgt user, domain admin accounts and all domain controller computer accounts. Use this tool to generate a keytab file.

In Wireshark, go to Edit → Preferences → Protocols, then: 

  • TCP → Enable Reassemble out-of-order segments 
  • KRB5 → Try to decrypt Kerberos blobs and specify the keytab you just created 
Create a lab environment with: 
  • 2 domain controllers
  • Workstation 
Configure both domain controllers and workstation to be on the same network. Make sure you are able to tap into this network using Wireshark. 

Start a new Wireshark capture and power on the domain controllers. During startup, the domain controllers will initiate a key exchange, which will be intercepted and decrypted by Wireshark for later use. 

Next, useldp.exe, dsa.msc or the following PowerShell snippet to reset a user account.

Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 10.51.30

After a few seconds, you should be able to see the password reset of the user account you selected. 




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